Timney Elite Hunter Trigger
Timney Triggers Elite Hunter for Remington 700 and clone actions, set to approximately 2.5 lbs and user adjustable from 2 to 4 lbs. Straight, wide trigger shoe with black finish. This is a fantastic trigger and it's our go-to for our Retail Shop Pork Sword Pistols and Rifles.
If you need a left handed trigger, please mention this in the customer notes section during checkout! Otherwise, the default will be a RH trigger.
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TriggerTech Diamond Trigger
Click adjustable from under 4 ounces up to 2 pounds with quite possibly the most consistent, crispest break available anywhere. Only works with custom actions that have a built-in bolt release (i.e. does not work with factory Remington 700 actions).
While we only stock the
Primary and the Diamond with PVD black, flat trigger shoes we can provide you with the entire TriggerTech line if another model catches your fancy.
Email for a quote.
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